DUI Expungements

Path Cleared to Set Aside DUI Convictions

Michigan has signed into law new expungement legislation that allows individuals with drunk driving convictions to clear their public criminal record. The new law will go into effect early next year. A petitioner must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible:

• Not more than one offense for operating while intoxicated.
• The offense cannot have caused death or serious injury to another party.
• At least five years have passed from the date of completion of any probation, imprisonment.

Expungement for a DUI is not automatic. After the application to aside the conviction is submitted, a Judge will hold a hearing to determine whether to grant the expungement after reviewing whether the petitioner has participated in sufficient educational and rehabilitative programming and changed their life for the better. Presenting an application package that demonstrates your growth since the time of your conviction is pivotal to the Judge’s decision whether to grant the request to have your case expunged. Our attorneys have years of experience handling both driving offenses and expungements. Contact our office today to see how we can help.


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    Royal Oak, MI 48067
    (248) 847-1000

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